Code of Conduct
As a Kingdom Marketplace Leader, I will “seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.” Therefore, I will…
Rise in my calling as an agent of Kingdom transformation and restoration in business and marketplace culture
Provide extraordinary value to clients and customers through my products and/or services
Use my sphere of influence for the promotion of Kingdom purposes, and not for selfish gain
Hold the highest standards of integrity, honesty, and Godly character in all my personal and marketplace transactions
Grow in excellence in abilities, skills, and self-development in the marketplace-calling God has granted me
Actively learn, continuing to self-educate, develop, and improve in my marketplace calling
Act with courage, compassion, and love in my professional and personal life
Proactively take initiative to encourage, support, and unite with fellow Marketplace Leaders for mutual encouragement, support, and outreach in the marketplace
Mentor younger Kingdom Marketplace Leaders and those under my authority, recognizing the God ordained mandate to make disciples
Maintain the vision for my Kingdom Business calling through prayer and submission to the Lordship of Christ
Give generously and cheerfully to churches, ministries, those engaged in compassion and mercy organizations, and other areas at God’s direction