Editing Services
Would you like a professional editor to polish your manuscript? We can do it!
Copy Editing
This editing service is about the mechanics or the “rules” of writing. Your manuscript is thoroughly reviewed by a live editor to catch and correct any errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and syntax. The Chicago Manual of Style, the preferred style guide for the publishing industry, is used. Some formatting, such as block quotes, is corrected.
Line Editing
Here the editor focuses on improving the flow and readability of your work so your message is clearly understood by the reader. Wordy or awkward sentences are rewritten, passive to active voice changes are made, paragraph and sentence length are adjusted, and transitions between thoughts and chapters are strengthened. Line Editing also includes the services of a Copy Edit.
Developmental Editing
A developmental edit is the most comprehensive edit and is designed to fix the “big picture” structure of the manuscript to increase the book’s marketability. It is for those who have a solid idea but are not sure how to organize the material. The Developmental Edit is a two step process. First, the editor makes comments in the margin directing the author how to make changes in specific areas that need improvement. After the author rewrites his or her draft and returns the new manuscript, the editor performs both the Line and a Basic Copy Edit to make sure your manuscript is ready for publication.
Executive Editing
Round I: Your editor will complete a developmental edit on your manuscript. When you receive the edited manuscript, you’ll have an opportunity to review each of the edits and deletions. You’ll then have the choice to accept or reject them.
30-minute Editing Call: After you review the edited manuscript, you’ll contact your project coordinator to schedule a 30-minute editing call with the editor.
Round II: After you’ve had your telephone consultation with your editor, made all your revisions, and are satisfied with the revised draft of your manuscript, you’ll submit your revised manuscript for the second round of editing. This is beneficial for authors because an editor will be able to see new changes input by the author before going to print.
Round III: Once you review your second round of editing, you’ll submit your manuscript one final time for a new editor to complete a proofread style edit on your manuscript. This service gets you as close to traditional publishing as possible in the self-publishing industry.